God’s love is so great

God’s love is so great




The high-hanging cross Jesus,
Message us to receive as elixir.
The Kind Jesus,
Hide where the tabernacle is constantly waiting.


Regrettably mankind huh,
From now on, please decide to worship to visit.
Looking up at the Lord whispered,
I love you, my determination to be close to my God.


Only Jesus,
the sacred word is still there, the autumn sky is still there.
Don’t let Father wear out,
The love of God is filled with repentance.


My flesh is food.
Graciously nourishing the body and soul.
My blood is bold,
It is a virgin treasure in heaven.


Hearing God’s call,
Your heart should settle down so praise.
Give up a life of luxury,
Diligently receiving God with passionate love.


Gladly and sincerely thanks,
Be a believer immediately love tree branches.
My life is so beautiful,
Dear God all dreams.


Life is as tangled as silk,
I will firmly step on thanks to Father Diep’s love.
God’s love is so great,
From here I decided to sing your love.


Leave me, I know who to follow!
According to the Master, you can sing a song of gratitude.
Towards the immense realm of happiness,
Please bring wisdom to Him.



Nam Giao