outgoing commander change of command speech samples


Jonathon P. Mathias (outgoing company commander) and Capt. They did that not based on anything I did, or what they saw in me but based on their character and their commitment to invest in individuals, Id like to thank my community leaders who asked me during my officer board, Have you know. She respects and values her team, and I have no doubt he'll/shell bring great ideas and enthusiasm to unit name. Thank you for not calling the IG on me when I started cussing and thanks for taping up the Viper Cuss pot when I broke it. (1-2 minutes), Say how great the new commander is going to be. Perhaps it is a perk of my position that I have been a part of that wider scheme. Hosted by a US Army officer. That word country sums it all up I think. Command Equal Opportunity Statement: Three sentences or five pages? outgoing commander and family leaves quick to allow new commander to begin assimilation with organization A dark horse is the horse in the race that nobody even expects to show. Outgoing guy can also get his message across in 5 minutes. I am blessed and It is an Honor to serve. DO NOT NOT NOT forget to thank your spouse! Outgoing Commander, Lt. Col. Brian Yarbrough, gives his farewell speech to his Soldiers of 3rd MISB (A) during the change of command ceremony, June 27. But in twenty-two months, I have seen some things! Especially when it came to the support of my Family. The Parade Sergeant Major is Regimental Sergeant Major David Smith. If you have a Military Change of Command speech, either oncoming or off going, that you would like to share with the DODReads audience please drop us a line and let us know. To the troopers of IFOR, I salute your accomplishments. or with a simple thank you. The Outgoing commander gets to talk longer because the unit has been under his or her perview for the last years. Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links contained on this site are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. This revenue is used to offset costs associated with maintaining The Military Leader site. The outgoing commander's name has done an excellent job in ensuring every Soldier/Sailor/Airman/Marine was superbly trained, mentally and physically fit, and prepared to meet the demands of a deployment. In our new regiment we will find new friends and new challenges. That chance must not be thrown away. The ceremony itself is heavily dictated by custom and courtesies, including those official portions that are well defined through the local Protocol office and the unofficial portions that are the discretion of the Presiding Officer, the outgoing Commander, and you as the incoming Commander. -If its a smoking hot day and a long ceremony, make the speech shorter, or even (for really long ceremonies like Division and higher) consider asking the Soldiers on the field to take a knee, if even for a few seconds. The key note or guest speaker is generally higher ranking than the leaders changing command and may be one of the highest ranking people at the chance of command ceremony. With it go incidents and acts that are enshrined in the hearts of those who have served with it. I'm really grateful that both of you chose to oversee this company change of command instead of taking the opportunity to celebrate Christmas on an island in the Bahamas. Rather I want to focus on some specific deeds that I am most grateful for. How to write a Change of command speech as Outgoing Commander May 2nd, 2018 - A change of command speech or . Make sure to remind them that they are. We spend a tremendous amount of time devoted to preparing ourselves for possibilities that we often hope will not occur. Thank the squadron you are joining for allowing you to be part of the team and express that you intend to work with them. He thanks the guest, his extended family, wife and kids, personal guests, his Command, the Chiefs, Petty Officers, Officers, his Commodore, the Commodores staff, and on and on and on. Today one of the leading units in training excellence is saying goodbye to their commander, outgoing commander's name, and welcoming a new leader, incoming commander's name. That confidence comes in part from my own belief in what we are doing. The following is a transcript of outgoing company commander Capt. Your ability to find damn near any part on post - and do it legally - continues to impress me. General, we wish you good fortune. I am grateful for your friendship and support. Maj. Brian Harber, executive officer for the 1st Battalion, 24th Infantry Regiment, 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, salutes Lt. Col. Jeff Stewart, outgoing commander of the 1-24IN, signifying the Soldiers are ready for inspection during a change of command rehearsal ceremony at Ladd Parade Field here June 29. Go find the next the next MIDN, ENS, LT Laney, and go pour yourself into and develop that person. We are always working and seeking to contribute to a much larger scheme of things. Still all the while we hoped that in some way we could prevent them happening. We will be sorry to lose outgoing commander's name. What is Debt Service Coverage Ratio: How to Calculate DSCR? Have faith that the outgoing commander and project officer have taken care of these details, and remember to do the same when it is your time to exit stage right. If I ever get the opportunity to command again, Ill remember The Military Leaders comments about keeping it out of the speech. A speech that is way out of tune with the crispness of the ceremony would be a mess. Army Change of Command Ceremony Citizen Soldier Resource. Vince Miller's change of command speech: Good morning everyone. But let me also say a personal word to you: Over the many months we have worked together, I have come to admire you as a man of fortitude, of vision and of humanity. So maybe a little crying is ok. April 30th, 2018 - Promotion Speech Genre Sample Promotion Speeches These promotion speech samples were all written by sixth . Be Present 2. Multinational Division North has kept the peace in a number of contentious areas, most notably Brcko; (Dave Grange), your leadership is already evident. All the troopers in the company operations. In the years to come, let us to be able to look back on our work here and proudly say that we were Dayton, that without us, the children of the Balkans would have suffered the same kind of bleak futures that their parents had endured. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Air Force unwritten rules: ". I can also say that without the men and women under my command our achievements would have been far less. A change of command speech has an air of quiet authority. The outgoing Commander is General William Crouch and the incoming Commander is General Eric Shinseki. Its been a great privilege working with you all, working to develop you and watching you grow. I feel sadness and nostalgia. When I took on this position, I thought I knew some things about the Army. Our mission was to perform a relief in place of two headquarters and ensure compliance with the military annex of the Dayton Peace Accord. 2 The following is a transcript of outgoing company commander Capt. The transfer of the colors between the incoming and outgoing commanders symbolize the passing of command and authority for the Stabilization Force from General Crouch to General Shinseki. practice ceremony no less than 5 times. Relive the story of your time in command, but from the Soldiers perspective, not yours. Lt. Col. Stewart relinquished command of the battalion to Lt. Col. Matthew MacNeilly during a ceremony at Fort Wainwright, Alaska July 2, 2012. Although a number of challenges still remain, SFOR has proven that the world can come together as one team to achieve a mission of lasting peace. Without the bread and butter however those accomplishments could not exist. Here are some thoughts to consider as you prepare for the transition. Most importantly, however, is that your Soldiers and superiors will recognize the hat tip. As I look out at the audience there are so many people that contributed, either in a large or small way to this point. SFOR has faithfully executed its mandate. Starting today I need your help even more now. //do nothing $39.94 $29.94. I do so eagerly and with great confidence. The higher-up the change and the larger the ceremony, the more formal your remarks should be. This can also be a time to tell anecdotes about special people in your career - a former drill sergeant, a specific mentor, something your parents taught you - and explain how what they taught you enabled you to do your job better. Introduction: welcome the guests, but dont run down the entire laundry list of guests. Well done, (Ingus Ramsey). Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse! These speeches are ideal for you if you are an outgoing marine commander at a change of command ceremony. Where we differ is length of speeches. So although we are saying goodbye to our regiment today I know we are not saying goodbye to the qualities you possess in abundance. Your email address will not be published. No need to come up with something creative or novel to say at the ceremony; youll need that energy throughout your command tour. -Glad you mentioned to thank the VIPs, senior enlisted CSM or 1SG, and spouse, so also consider mentioning the command Chief Warrant Officer if there is one. They mention the camaraderie and support you got and the sense of duty of your troops. Or you can also say something about the unit - the motto or nicknames work well - and wrap that into a closing. Announcer: Transfer of the organization colors is significant in many ways; with the transfer of the organization's legacy, as passed from one commander's authority to another. Change of Command speeches Your Change of Command Speech focus will depend on whether you are the incoming or outgoing officer. Marge and I are delighted to rejoin the STRATCOM family and we look forward to all we will accomplish together. toggleclass: ["", "sample-speech-expander-open"], //Two CSS classes to be applied to the header when it's collapsed and expanded, respectively ["class1", "class2"] It is advisable to use the perspective of the soldiers who served under you on this point. true/false With 20 years of Naval Service under my belt, Ive attended many, many change of command speeches. We abide by the guidance set out in the Joint Ethics Regulations, Governmental Ethics policy on social media use, and DOD 5122.05 PAO Guidance. As mentioned before, the ceremony is driven through customs and courtesies driving by Protocol, so much of the event will run itself (assuming you have an on-point project officer for the event). Yet I have to say that the time and planning that we have put into this work has been of immense value to us as a unit. Title/s of honoured guest/s, fellow officers, comrades. You'll long be remembered for your contribution, and we wish you the best in your new assignment in Washington. We have had our acknowledged heroes and, let us not forget, our unsung heroes as well. The military is certainly no exception. I see a lot of specialists that are just about ready to get that promotable P. Youve seen us do it right, and remembered to do it right the next time. Im looking at this formation, and I see a lot of sergeants who used to be specialists, and at least one sergeant that I distinctly remember as a PFC. When in doubt, ask your protocol office for help identifying who should be recognized. Know that you have our trust, confidence and full support. There has to be consolidation and there has to be economy of scale. It should come as no surprise that you need to rehearse your speech prior to delivering it. This change of command (outgoing officer speeches) is ideal for an officer who wishes to address his/her troops one final time before leaving his command. DODReads.com is not an Official site and all opinions are the authors own. You have a precious opportunity to create a better future for Bosnia Herzegovina. But while SFOR mandates come to an end, the Alliance has the commitment to any long-term interests in the stability of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its surroundings. Thank the soldiers along the chain of command and your family. Our mission and the path to success remain, as in (Joe Lopez's) challenge as he departed 10 months ago, unit of purpose, adherence to Dayton and a focus on common institutions will allow us to achieve our goals. All rights reserved, Pitch Perfect Speeches for Every Audience with a 100% Money Back Guarantee, Click here for our list of Military Speeches. Required fields are marked *. Treat the people of this nation with fairness and with respect. may not be reprinted or redistributed without attribution to canuwrite.com. defaultexpanded: [0], //index of content(s) open by default [index1, index2, etc]. General Crouch has done a super job. I expect nothing but excellence in the coming years from outgoing commander's name, incoming commander's name and the personnel of unit name. And youve seen us do it wrong, and remembered to never do it that way again. Incoming Naval Air Station (NAS) Oceana Commanding Officer Capt. Gary Lamb, thanks as always for the performance of the United States Army Europe Band. There is no turning back; we must fulfill the provisions of Dayton. To achieve this feat, shape your speech around these four Thank You points: family and guests of honor, new group and wing commander, your predecessor, and your new squadron you have been charged to lead. Again, to General Crouch, well done. Our resolve is firm; help us to craft for you a future far, far different than the history you have known. However, the unit will be gaining a truly great leader in incoming commander's name. Your family and guests will be taken care of and led to their seats by the escorts, the script will include all of the events and transitions expected of the ceremony, and the narrator will give you a heads up of when it is time for your to stand and sit. SFOR is an outstanding example of international cooperation, and General Shinseki will carry forward the standard of peace. While assigned at Bragg I must have heard 35-40 Change of Command addresses averaging over 20 minutes each. Twenty-two months is a long time to command a logistics company. Presiding officer gets 7 mins to talk about the unit and both commanders, outgoing gets 5 mins to say thank you and intro new commander, incoming gets 3 mins to say thanks to everyone and express their excitement of the unit, location and mission For twenty-two months you all have stood behind me, and I am proud to see you standing in front of me one last time. Formerly many things, including theology student, mime, jr. high Latin teacher, and Army logistics officer. Retell some stories using individual names (, Your staff and higher headquarters staff for putting up with you, Adjacent and supporting/attached units as necessary. Give them about two weeks notice. Welcome all others by group, unless an individual stands out in some significant way (Medal of Honor recipient or Honorary Colonel of the Unit). Sound familiar? Customer Perception and How to Manage it Effectively, Library Fundraising Ideas That Can Work For You. I do so with pleasure, on behalf of the North Atlantic Council and all nations participating in SFOR. Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from our team. All hyperbole aside, literally the entire world is counting on your revolutionary GPS navigation and timing signals. The change of command speech is important but it can sneak up on you in the distracted days before the big event. Be seated. He has been a student of leadership for nearly three decades and designed The Military Leader to help other leaders develop themselves and grow their organizations. Be safe; your well-being is important to all of us, and especially to me. This means that you can use selected pieces or the one you like best. The event is a physical and visual representation of squadron leadership transitioning from one officer to another. Our members have fought in many battles over the years. We accomplished this mission because of our strength-We are 36 nations united in purpose, with an ability to always work together. Miles T. Gengler, Commander USA NATO Brigade, Sembach, Germany makes a speech for the Allied Forces North Battalion (AFNORTH Battalion) Change of Command Ceremony, Bldg. Whether the military chance of command speech is for Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force or Coast Guard, it will share reoughly the same structure. The plaque on the statue reads, "Dedicated to the professional men and women of the Stabilization Force who served to bring peace to Bosnia Herzegovina. and the outgoing commander and their family for their service. Everything in the ceremony is determined by crisp, precise military action, full of dignity and courtesy. Without the bread and butter however those accomplishments could not exist. Currently in the National Guard, and employed as a civilian somewhere Company. So although we may march past for the last time today we are also marching forward to the future. I thank you all for your support but also for the goodwill with which you have performed that duty. [Blog Post Frequency Examples], 8 Mistakes Even Professional Content Writers Make, International Student Visa Process Step-by-Step Guide to the I-20, Best time to start hunting scholarships and useful tips. I also agree about getting off script. If you don't know him or her, you can say you've heard great things about them and you're confident they will do a great job. If you need some additional resources for your military change of command speech below are two additional links. There is no doubt that the strength of our service, the strength of our installation name and the strength of unit name is in dedicated people, a strong team. Secretary General Dr. Solana, your Excellencies, SACEUR, General Clark, Mr. Westendorp and other Principals, fellow general officers and flag officers, all of you gallant troopers of SFOR, ladies and gentlemen, welcome and thank you for joining us at this final formation that General Bill Crouch stands with SFOR. Thats pretty disappointing to me, because I like to build things and make them better than they were. This varies by level, but typically would include the highest 2 commander's present and their spouses, plus any political or civic leaders from the community. To the woman who made me a better man my wife. DoD photo by D. Myles Cullen DOWNLOAD PHOTO (0.66 MB) This photograph is considered public domain and has been cleared for release. Whether it is a ceremony for a company, brigade or battalion, wing or installation-level, the only change is the formality. And be sure to check out Victoria Wellmans book on writing the perfect speech, Before You Say Anything. The incoming commander should have the least amount of time because they have the most time to talk later. What a great, concise instruction for transition speeches. Edmund J. Carazo. The professionals of United States Strategic Command are simply outstanding. Rise To Your Potential with gabriel "gaberock" avilla. So for twenty-two months, I have watched this company. Having said that, I also expect from you the alertness that marks all professional soldiers. If it is an outdoor ceremony with a formation, keep your remarks brief - 5-7 minutes tops. In addition to accomplishing the military tasks, SFOR is proud to support the international organizations in their very demanding work, as well as to support the civilian implementation of the Dayton Accord. Outgoing: gracious, funny, not of a braggadocio nature. When you look at unit names accomplishments over the last few years, its apparent that outgoing commander's name and his/her team have contributed vastly to installation name and our team. Today (Name of regiment) is being disbanded and I cannot help but feel a great sense of loss and yet I also feel pride. They led the way in fill in accomplishments and were selected to conduct fill in accomplishments. Those hard discussions have been game changers in my professional development. They are often situations that we have envisaged and for which we have planned. At that time, Sarajevo was symbolic of the despair of war. (1-2 minutes), Thank your mentors and your commanders for their support. I should put it on your Comment Page. She is a renowned speech coach and has crafted memorable speeches for influencers, politicians, entrepreneurs, Olympians, NFL stars, astronauts, rap stars, artists, and activists. may not be reprinted or redistributed without attribution to canuwrite.com. This change of command (outgoing officer speeches) is ideal for an officer who wishes to address his/her troops one final time before leaving his command. When I gave up my command I chose to keep mine short and focused on the troops. Dark Horse. Our strengths have allowed us to succeed in an uncertain environment. SFOR will not be deterred and will carry out it's action as needed. They speak of what this particular posting has meant to you. Thank you. The evident success of the transition and the Stabilization Force can be attributed widely to the troops and to their commander, General Bill Crouch. The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute DoD endorsement of the linked websites, or the information, products or services therein. It can return to that. Id like to thank those precious few people who sat down with me and gave me honest, hard and critical feedback. (If applicable) May God bless you all. In between those bouts lie small but essential periods of achievement. animatedefault: false, //Should contents open by default be animated into view? It would be a mistake to try to start dropping names of all the people who have come to the unit, achieved great things, and then moved on to achieve great things in some other unit. This is fundamental, but makes it so much easier when you read the instructions. In general, If the ceremony will be in a comfortable environment, there are no other keynote speakers and most people will be sitting, you can speak for 10-12 minutes. "I know the Rock of the Marne will stand solid" or "Don't forget, Sabers will always stay sharp" or "Watch out for the bulldogs! NATO, IFOR, and now SFOR have given Bosnia and Herzegovina a chance for reconstruction. The Stabilization Force has built on those achievements in the seven months of its mission to date, but there's much more to be done. Learn how your comment data is processed. Company B, 1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment, 173rd Airborne Brigade change of command between Capt. So I'll say good morning like a normal human being. Be safe, take care of yourselves and your comrades. Whether it is a ceremony for a company, brigade or battalion, wing or installation-level, the only change is the formality. We do however use affiliate links through Amazon to help pay for hosting this website. Ill be honest, near the end of both of my outgoing speeches, I got emotional. The speech shouldnt be more than 8-10 minutes regardless of the attendees present. Secretary General Solana: I would like to thank General Crouch today for his vital contribution to peace and reconstruction in Bosnia in his time here as COMIFOR and COMSFOR. $39.94 $29.94. We may not have been a first time go at every training event. Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Commandant of the Marine Corps Reading List, 11 Ways to Request Books for your Command, How to write a change of command speech, MILPERSMAN 7220-100 & DODFMR 7A The Financial Cost of Navy Command. To the leaders in this country: I remind you that only you can create the conditions for a peaceful, safe and prosperous Bosnia Herzegovina. I ask that you maintain your focus and your support of General Shinseki as well as you have supported General Crouch. General William Crouch, outgoing Commander of SFOR: General Widder, Regimental Sergeant Major Smith, thank you for this great looking formation. Jason/Don/Chris/Clint Keep it up, push me to be a better man. Here is an unwritten rule on the amount of time each speech should last during the ceremony: Group commander = 9 minutes, Outgoing commander = 6 minutes, Incoming commander = 3 minutes. Rehearse your speech several times before delivery and ensure you have a backup copy in case you misplace the main one. A lousy speech during the change of command ceremony would stand out like a sore thumb. Vince Miller's change of command speech: Good morning everyone. Please do not let it pass. Welcome General Officers and equivalent Sergeants Major by name. You processed more AARs, turned in more equipment and read off more serial numbers than anyone in recent history. And to General (Dider Stegman), whose supported us consistently with people and who managed our key leader training. Have a copy of your bio and official photo ready to send to them. It is one that we have discharged with the utmost honour. These speech and letter sample materials may be re-used for free but Rehearse your speech NO LESS THAN 10 TIMES!! The outgoing commander's name has done an excellent job in ensuring every Soldier/Sailor/Airman/Marine was superbly trained, mentally and physically fit, and prepared to meet the demands of a deployment. Standing here now, I recall my first visits to this city in mid-1994. Appearance of, or reference to, any commercial products or services does not constitute DoD endorsement of those products or services. The international community remains determined and united in the implementation of the Peace Agreement. Tradition determines most of these acts leaving little room for a personalized approach by participants, except for the speech. I'd normally begin with our unit motto, but after two and a half years of starting every meeting and discussion with it, I just don't think I can stomach it anymore. We have also added to the greater achievement of our army. t.. SFOR continues to accomplish the military mission day in and day out and to establish a foundation of peace and security, thereby helping the people of Bosnia Herzegovina to take on a greater responsibility for their future. So whether you are an incoming officer, a cadet who is being commissioned or a retiree we have speeches to meet most military occasions. Their bark is as nothing compared to their bite!". Unit Leader Development Products & Resources, The Top Posts from 2015 - The Military Leader, 14 Simple Ways to Connect with Your People - The Military Leader, The Principles of Military Leadership [Day 3]. Thank you, it is an honor to be here and an honor to serve. Youve come to the right spot. Only you can create a country where you'll have a future without terror. Germany - Air Force Gen. Philip M. Breedlove, outgoing commander of U.S. European Command, addresses the audience during the change-of-command ceremony in Stuttgart, Germany, May 3, 2016. All materials on this page are under the copyright of canuwrite.com headerclass: "sample-speech-expander-title", //Shared CSS class name of headers group When in doubt, ask your protocol office for help identifying who should be recognized. Each sample is of an individual speech but when you order a speech pack from us you receive at least three speeches in a pack. Outgoing Company Commander: 'I Hate You All' The following is a transcript of outgoing company commander Capt. Bosnia Herzegovina is safer today than it was 18 months ago, and yet, as you have heard and observed several times, the full peace envisioned by Dayton has not been achieved. You have done your duty with a willingness and enthusiasm that would be hard to match. Now under your command, the soldiers probably had nothing to do with your posting, but your leadership will only be successful if they feel part of the team. Troopers in formation, to include the two bands who are present here, you look absolutely great. We serve the cause of peace wherever we are sent to serve. The headquarters then took over the Implementation Force mission and soon became the headquarters for the Stabilization Force. To the Stabilization Force new Commander, General Eric Shinseki, welcome. A change of command speech or change of responsibility speech have the same basic structure whether it is for Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force or Coast Guard. The only option is peaceThe only option is cooperation. General Crouch has significantly improved the synchronization of civil-military cooperation. I'd normally begin with our unit motto, but after two and a half years of starting every meeting and discussion with it, I just don't think I can stomach it anymore. I can assist you with getting free books or provide a quote for a complete set of books for your Supply Officer. The global communications capabilities you operate both in space and in cyberspace are needed by virtually every sailor, soldier, airman, marine and coast guardsman and are essential in this area of information-enabled operations. If it is an indoor ceremony or the weather is pleasant (stand in the sun for 5 minutes and test this for yourself), you can go from 6-9 minutes. But today, Sarajevo is again a bustling city--Stores and shops reopened, a market square that's safe again for citizens to shop, meet and discuss the issues of the day. These elements are particularly important to an organization having a mission like the Stabilization Forces. Youll be the third person to speak, and the guests will feel plenty-welcomed by then. It has remained free of charge and alive thanks to patronage from readers and their willingness contribute. DODReads is a veteran run, private organization that IS NOT affiliated with the US government or the Department of Defense (DOD). Professionalism of the troopers present here represents the quality of the soldiers from the many nations who make up the Stabilization Force. Affiliate commission materials may be re-used for free but rehearse your speech prior to it. Been game changers in my professional development gave me honest, hard and critical feedback air Station NAS. End of both of my position that I am most grateful for commander may 2nd, 2018 - change! Goodbye to the future, fellow officers, comrades 8-10 minutes regardless of the team and express that have... And critical feedback can work for you to offset costs associated with maintaining the military leader site a! I can assist you with getting free books or provide a quote for a company, brigade or battalion wing... Prepare for the goodwill with which you have performed that duty going to be a future! Open by default [ index1, index2, etc ] it is an honor to be and... 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